13 research outputs found

    Multiple phosphorylation of the Cdc48/p97 cofactor protein Shp1/p47 occurs upon cell stress in budding yeast

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    The homohexameric p97 complex, composed of Cdc48 subunits in yeast, is a crucial component of protein quality control pathways including ER-associated degradation. The complex acts to segregate protein complexes in an ATP-dependent manner, requiring the engagement of cofactor proteins that determine substrate specificity. The function of different Cdc48 cofactors and how they are regulated remains relatively poorly understood. In this study, we assess the phosphorylation of Cdc48 adaptor proteins, revealing a unique and distinctive phosphorylation pattern of Shp1/p47 that changed in response to TORC1 inhibition. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that this pattern corresponded to phosphorylation at residues S108 and S315 of Shp1, with the double-phosphorylated form becoming predominant upon TORC1 inhibition, ER-stress, and oxidative stress. Finally, we assessed candidate kinases and phosphatases responsible for Shp1 phosphorylation and identified two regulators. We found that cells lacking the kinase Mpk1/Slt2 show reduced Shp1 phosphorylation, whereas impaired PP1 phosphatase catalytic subunit (Glc7) activity resulted in increased Shp1 phosphorylation. Overall, these findings identify a phosphoregulation of Shp1 at multiple sites by Mpk1 kinase and PP1 phosphatase upon various stresses

    The ribosome-associated chaperone Zuo1 controls translation upon TORC1 inhibition

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    Protein requirements of eukaryotic cells are ensured by proteostasis, which is mediated by tight control of TORC1 activity. Upon TORC1 inhibition, protein degradation is increased and protein synthesis is reduced through inhibition of translation initiation to maintain cell viability. Here, we show that the ribosome-associated complex (RAC)/Ssb chaperone system, composed of the HSP70 chaperone Ssb and its HSP40 co-chaperone Zuo1, is required to maintain proteostasis and cell viability under TORC1 inhibition in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the absence of Zuo1, translation does not decrease in response to the loss of TORC1 activity. A functional interaction between Zuo1 and Ssb is required for proper translational control and proteostasis maintenance upon TORC1 inhibition. Furthermore, we have shown that the rapid degradation of eIF4G following TORC1 inhibition is mediated by autophagy and is prevented in zuo1Δ cells, contributing to decreased survival in these conditions. We found that autophagy is defective in zuo1Δ cells, which impedes eIF4G degradation upon TORC1 inhibition. Our findings identify an essential role for RAC/Ssb in regulating translation in response to changes in TORC1 signalling.</p

    Rewiring of the TCR signalosome in natural intestinal Intraepithelial T lymphocytes drives non-deletional tolerance

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    Intraepithelial T lymphocytes (T-IEL) are a large population of cytotoxic T cells that protect the small intestinal epithelium against pathogens. Based on ontogeny, T-IEL can be categorized into two major subsets: induced and natural. Natural T-IEL are agonistically selected in the thymus on self-antigens before migrating directly to the small intestine. Despite having self-reactive T cell antigen receptors (TCR), natural T-IEL are maintained in a tolerized state in the gut by unknown mechanisms. We therefore investigated TCR signaling in T-IEL using multiplexed fluorescent cell barcoding, phosphoproteomics and TCR signaling reporter mouse models, which revealed that TCR signaling is intrinsically suppressed in natural, but not induced, T-IEL. Unexpectedly, we discover that this cell intrinsic suppression was mediated through altered TCR signalosome components. Specifically, downregulation of the key signaling adaptor, Linker for activation of T cells (LAT) during thymic selection is a vital checkpoint for the development and tolerization of natural IELs. Thus, TCR signaling is rewired in self-reactive natural T-IEL to promote tolerance and prevent inappropriate inflammation in the gut.One sentence summary Self-reactive natural intestinal intraepithelial T lymphocytes are developmentally tolerized by rewiring the T cell antigen receptor signaling pathway through the downregulation of the adaptor protein, LAT

    Rewiring of the TCR signalosome in natural intestinal Intraepithelial T lymphocytes drives non-deletional tolerance

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    Intraepithelial T lymphocytes (T-IEL) are a large population of cytotoxic T cells that protect the small intestinal epithelium against pathogens. Based on ontogeny, T-IEL can be categorized into two major subsets: induced and natural. Natural T-IEL are agonistically selected in the thymus on self-antigens before migrating directly to the small intestine. Despite having self-reactive T cell antigen receptors (TCR), natural T-IEL are maintained in a tolerized state in the gut by unknown mechanisms. We therefore investigated TCR signaling in T-IEL using multiplexed fluorescent cell barcoding, phosphoproteomics and TCR signaling reporter mouse models, which revealed that TCR signaling is intrinsically suppressed in natural, but not induced, T-IEL. Unexpectedly, we discover that this cell intrinsic suppression was mediated through altered TCR signalosome components. Specifically, downregulation of the key signaling adaptor, Linker for activation of T cells (LAT) during thymic selection is a vital checkpoint for the development and tolerization of natural IELs. Thus, TCR signaling is rewired in self-reactive natural T-IEL to promote tolerance and prevent inappropriate inflammation in the gut.One sentence summary Self-reactive natural intestinal intraepithelial T lymphocytes are developmentally tolerized by rewiring the T cell antigen receptor signaling pathway through the downregulation of the adaptor protein, LAT

    UBE2A and UBE2B are recruited by an atypical E3 ligase module in UBR4

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    UBR4 is a 574 kDa E3 ligase (E3) of the N-degron pathway with roles in neurodevelopment, age-associated muscular atrophy and cancer. The catalytic module that carries out ubiquitin (Ub) transfer remains unknown. Here we identify and characterize a distinct E3 module within human UBR4 consisting of a ‘hemiRING’ zinc finger, a helical-rich UBR zinc-finger interacting (UZI) subdomain, and an N-terminal region that can serve as an affinity factor for the E2 conjugating enzyme (E2). The structure of an E2–E3 complex provides atomic-level insight into the specificity determinants of the hemiRING toward the cognate E2s UBE2A/UBE2B. Via an allosteric mechanism, the UZI subdomain modestly activates the Ub-loaded E2 (E2∌Ub). We propose attenuated activation is complemented by the intrinsically high lysine reactivity of UBE2A, and their cooperation imparts a reactivity profile important for substrate specificity and optimal degradation kinetics. These findings reveal the mechanistic underpinnings of a neuronal N-degron E3, its specific recruitment of UBE2A, and highlight the underappreciated architectural diversity of cross-brace domains with Ub E3 activity.</p

    A non-canonical scaffold-type E3 ligase complex mediates protein UFMylation

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    Protein UFMylation, i.e., post‐translational modification with ubiquitin‐fold modifier 1 (UFM1), is essential for cellular and endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis. Despite its biological importance, we have a poor understanding of how UFM1 is conjugated onto substrates. Here, we use a rebuilding approach to define the minimal requirements of protein UFMylation. We find that the reported cognate E3 ligase UFL1 is inactive on its own and instead requires the adaptor protein UFBP1 to form an active E3 ligase complex. Structure predictions suggest the UFL1/UFBP1 complex to be made up of winged helix (WH) domain repeats. We show that UFL1/UFBP1 utilizes a scaffold‐type E3 ligase mechanism that activates the UFM1‐conjugating E2 enzyme, UFC1, for aminolysis. Further, we characterize a second adaptor protein CDK5RAP3 that binds to and forms an integral part of the ligase complex. Unexpectedly, we find that CDK5RAP3 inhibits UFL1/UFBP1 ligase activity in vitro. Results from reconstituting ribosome UFMylation suggest that CDK5RAP3 functions as a substrate adaptor that directs UFMylation to the ribosomal protein RPL26. In summary, our reconstitution approach reveals the biochemical basis of UFMylation and regulatory principles of this atypical E3 ligase complex

    Overcoming barriers to cross-disciplinary research

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    Interdisciplinary research can create many scientific opportunities but may also face challenges and barriers. X-Net’s main objective is helping interdisciplinary scientists to overcome those barriers providing guidance and resources, particularly to early career researchers. We organised an online workshop “Overcoming barriers to cross-disciplinary research” (6th July, 2022) with the purpose of identifying the main obstacles of interdisciplinary research (IDR) in the UK. The workshop incorporated a pre-workshop anonymous survey that allowed participants to identify and share some of their personal experiences of cross-disciplinary research. The workshop then used these experiences to find themes or challenges in common. It also allowed participants to consider, through action learning, what specific cross-disciplinary barrier(s) they sought advice on. The survey questionnaire was designed to focus on the opinions of individual scientists regarding the barriers or incentives for interdisciplinary research and to receive diverse perspectives. Researchers with early or ongoing experience in interdisciplinarity entering biomedical sciences from STEM were approached for their opinions

    Dveloppement de nouvelles mthodes d'identification des sites de SUMOylation par protéomique

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    La rĂ©gulation des protĂ©ines par les modifications post-traductionnelles (PTMs) est un Ă©vĂ©nement clĂ© dans le maintien des fonctions biologiques de la cellule. Parmi elles, on retrouve les modifications causĂ©es par une famille de molĂ©cules appelĂ©es Ubiquitin Like Modifiers (UBls), incluant l’ubiquitination, la neddylation ou encore la SUMOylation. Au contraire des modifications classiques faisant intervenir des petits groupements chimiques, telles que la phosphorylation ou l’acĂ©tylation, les UBls sont eux-mĂȘmes des protĂ©ines se greffant sur le groupement amine en position e des lysines des protĂ©ines ciblĂ©es, gĂ©nĂ©rant des protĂ©ines ramifiĂ©es. Alors que la principale fonction de l’ubiquitination est la dĂ©gradation des protĂ©ines par le protĂ©asome, les autres UBls sont encore mal caractĂ©risĂ©es. Dans ce contexte, le but de cette thĂšse Ă©tait de dĂ©velopper de nouvelles approches protĂ©omiques afin de dĂ©finir le rĂŽle de la SUMOylation dans des cellules humaines. En effet, l’identification des sites de SUMOylation par spectromĂ©trie de masse (MS) est un dĂ©fi. Ceci s’explique par la trĂšs faible abondance des protĂ©ines SUMOylĂ©es dans la cellule ainsi que par la longue chaine de 19 Ă  34 acides aminĂ©s laissĂ©s sur la protĂ©ine ciblĂ©e aprĂšs digestion Ă  la trypsine. Afin de pallier Ă  ces deux problĂšmes, un mutant de la protĂ©ine SUMO a Ă©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© au sein du laboratoire. La premiĂšre altĂ©ration sur ce mutant est l’insertion d’une sĂ©quence 6xHis Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© N-terminale de la protĂ©ine afin de faciliter l’enrichissement des protĂ©ines SUMOylĂ©s. La seconde altĂ©ration de la protĂ©ine SUMO est la mutation d’une glutamine en arginine en position 6 Ă  partir du C-terminal. Cette mutation a pour effet de libĂ©rer des peptides trypsiques ramifiĂ©s contenant seulement 5 acides aminĂ©s provenant de SUMO sur le peptide ciblĂ©. Le premier but de cette thĂšse Ă©tait de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thode permettant de cibler spĂ©cifiquement les peptides SUMOylĂ©s lors d’une analyse par LC-MS. Cette mĂ©thode repose sur le patron de fragmentation propre de la chaine de 5 acides aminĂ©s commune Ă  tous les peptides SUMOylĂ©s et utilise la technologie Sequential Window Acquisition of all THeoretical Mass Spectra (SWATH). Lors d’une telle analyse, l’échantillon est injectĂ© une premiĂšre fois en fragmentant de larges fenĂȘtres de masses. Ceci permet d’obtenir des spectres MS/MS pour tous les peptides prĂ©sents dans l’échantillon. Un algorithme est ensuite utilisĂ© afin de dĂ©tecter les fenĂȘtres de masses contenant des peptides SUMOylĂ©s et de recalculer le rapport masse sur charge des peptides candidats. Les injections subsĂ©quentes permettent ensuite de fragmenter uniquement les peptides candidats. Cette mĂ©thode s’est avĂ©rĂ©e ĂȘtre complĂ©mentaire aux mĂ©thodes conventionnelles et a permis l’identification d’un total de 54 peptides SUMOylĂ©s Ă  partir d’extraits protĂ©iques enrichis sur billes NiNTA. La seconde approche envisagĂ©e Ă©tait d’ajouter une Ă©tape d’enrichissement supplĂ©mentaire au niveau peptidique. Pour cela, un anticorps reconnaissant la chaine de 5 acides aminĂ©s laissĂ©e aprĂšs digestion tryptique a Ă©tĂ© produit. Cette Ă©tape d’immuno-purification supplĂ©mentaire a permis l’identification d’un total de 954 sites de SUMOylation dans des cellules humaines lors d’une analyse Ă  grande Ă©chelle. Afin de valider les nouvelles cibles identifiĂ©es, une Ă©tude fonctionnelle de la SUMOylation de la protĂ©ine CDC73 a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Cette Ă©tude a montrĂ© que la SUMOylation de CDC73 Ă©tait requise pour sa rĂ©tention nuclĂ©aire, confirmant ainsi un rĂŽle important pour la SUMOylation de cette protĂ©ine. Cependant, le principal dĂ©faut de la prĂ©cĂ©dente approche Ă©tait la nĂ©cessitĂ© de cultiver 500 millions de cellules par condition Ă©tudiĂ©e. Cette approche a donc Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ©e afin de pouvoir rĂ©duire le nombre de cellules utilisĂ©es dans une analyse. L’optimisation de chacun des paramĂštres analytiques nous a permis de rĂ©duire ce nombre de 50 fois, permettant ainsi d’identifier plus de 1000 sites de SUMOylation Ă  partir de seulement 10 millions de cellules. De plus, nous avons montrĂ© que cette approche permet l’identification concomitante des sites de SUMOylation et d’ubiquitination dans un seul Ă©chantillon biologique. Ceci a permis d’identifier un nouveau mĂ©canisme de rĂ©gulation des deubiquitinases par les UBls, ainsi que d’élucider les mĂ©canismes de translocation du protĂ©asome dans la cellule. Dans l’ensemble, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© des mĂ©thodes permettant de mieux caractĂ©riser la SUMOylation des protĂ©ines et avons prouvĂ© que ces mĂ©thodes sont applicables Ă  l’étude de plusieurs UBls en parallĂšle. Nous sommes certains que l’approche par immuno-purification permettra Ă  l’avenir d’identifier la SUMOylation Ă  un niveau endogĂšne.Protein regulation by post-translational modification (PTMs) is a key event in regulating cellular function. These modifications include a group termed Ubiquitin-Like modifiers (UBLs) that contain, but is not limited to, ubiquitylation, neddylation and SUMOylation. While conventional modifications, such as phosphorylation or acetylation, involve a small chemical group, UBLs are proteins attached from their C-terminus to the epsilon amine group of a lysine contained in the targeted protein, thus generating branched proteins. While the main function of ubiquitylation is protein degradation by the proteasome, other UBLs remain mostly unexplored. In this context, the aim of this thesis was to develop new proteomics strategies to characterize SUMOylation in human cells. Indeed, identification of SUMOylation sites by mass spectrometry (MS) is a challenge. This is due to the low abundance of SUMOylated proteins in the cells as well as the long 19 to 34 amino acid SUMO remnant left of the target after trypsin digestion. In this context, our research group has developed a mutant of SUMO containing two mutations. The first mutation consists of a 6xHis tag at the N-terminus of SUMO in order to facilitate SUMOylated substrates enrichment at the protein level. A second mutation was also introduced at the 6th position from the C-terminus and consists in a glutamine to arginine substitution in order to release shorter SUMOylated peptides after trypsin digestion. The first goal of this thesis was to develop a targeted approach to specifically fragment SUMOylated peptides during an LC-MS run. This was enabled by the common fragmentation pattern of all SUMOylated peptides arising from the five amino acid SUMO remnant. Digested peptides were first analyzed using SequentialWindow Acquisition of all THeoretical Mass Spectra (SWATH). In this experiment, large mass windows are fragmented. A custom algorithm is then used that detects mass windows in which candidates are located and determine their intact mass. In subsequent injections these peptides were then specifically targeted. This method was complementary to data dependent acquisition and enabled the identification of 54 SUMOylated peptides. In a second approach, we wanted to enrich for SUMOylated substrates at the peptide level. An antibody was raised against the five amino acid SUMO remnant and used for immunopurification of SUMOylated peptides. In total, we identified 954 SUMOylation sites in human cells. Moreover, functional analysis of the newly identified substrate CDC73 revealed that SUMOylation on K136 is required for its nuclear retention, thus showing a new role for the SUMOylation of this protein. Although this approach gave new insights into the characterization of SUMOylated substrates, high amounts of material were still required to obtain such results. The last goal of this thesis was to optimize the previously developed immunopurification. Systematic optimization of every analytical parameter was done and enabled the reduction of the number of cells required by a factor of 50, without affecting the number of SUMOylation sites identified. Moreover, we used this approach to profile for SUMOylation and ubiquitylation dynamics in human cells upon proteasomal inhibition with MG132. This revealed an unexpected regulation mechanism of deubiquitinating enzymes by UBLs and unraveled translocation mechanisms of the proteasome in the cell. Our SUMO proteomic approach demonstrates capability for the concomitant analysis of SUMOylation and ubiquitylation. In the future, we hope to extend this approach to endogenous SUMOylation

    Coordinated control of the ADP-heptose/ALPK1 signalling network by the E3 ligases TRAF6, TRAF2/c-IAP1 and LUBAC

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    ADP-heptose activates the protein kinase ALPK1 triggering TIFA phosphorylation at Thr9, the recruitment of TRAF6 and the subsequent production of inflammatory mediators. Here, we demonstrate that ADP-heptose also stimulates the formation of Lys63- and Met1-linked ubiquitin chains to activate the TAK1 and canonical IKK complexes, respectively. We further show that the E3 ligases TRAF6 and c-IAP1 operate redundantly to generate the Lys63-linked ubiquitin chains required for pathway activation, which we demonstrate are attached to TRAF6, TRAF2 and c-IAP1, and that c-IAP1 is recruited to TIFA by TRAF2. ADP-heptose also induces activation of the kinase TBK1 by a TAK1-independent mechanism, which require TRAF2 and TRAF6. We establish that ALPK1 phosphorylates TIFA directly at Thr177 as well as Thr9 in vitro. Thr177 is located within the TRAF6-binding motif and its mutation to Asp prevents TRAF6 but not TRAF2 binding, indicating a role in restricting ADP-heptose signalling. We conclude that ADP-heptose signalling is controlled by the combined actions of TRAF2/c-IAP1 and TRAF6